The mooring service is one of the technical-nautical services ancillary to navigation together with pilotage and towage, which are provided in favour of vessels in order to grant them transit, movements and rest in safe conditions, in the interest of the vessel as a user, of the port community and of the general public.
First of all it assumes the form of a public service provider of general economic interest. The boatman makes the coming vessel berth correctly at a quay, piers or buoys, secures the vessel to the mooring, takes care that the moored vessel is safe for the whole duration of the stop, intervening in needs or emergency case; he collaborates with the crew of the vessel in the unmooring stage of the leaving ship, freeing it from the mooring and waiting that the vessel departs in safety from the port water and takes the sea.
The supply of the technical-nautical services aimed mainly at satisfying the needs of public interest, such as, in primis, the ones to guarantee the safety of the navigation in ports and in the contiguous areas, and therefore, the safety of the vessels, the port facilities, persons and environment safety, as clearly stated by the Civitavecchia Harbour Office in the decree n° 150/2006 where it is specified besides that:
"Considering the general public service obligations (continuity and universality) on the base of an organizational model coherent with the maritime/port security according to the agreement of the Maritime and Port Authority and specifics to which the Group has to answer, such as: